Media Releases
CV of Greg Tingle


My name is Greg Tingle. At 38, I've enjoyed a thoroughly rewarding decade long career in the national and international media, entertainment, sales and marketing & technology industries.

I've created, produced & managed multi-platform sales & marketing campaigns for everything from Optus Vision, Optus ITV to my own media and publicity company,

I entered the world of sales and marketing in 1996 via way of audition for sales representative for Optus Vision (only 2 people out of 30 were selected). I went on to become multi-time "Salesperson of the Month", and was promoted to Account Executive, and later, Pay-Per-View, Optus Vision Liaison and Foreign Language Channels Executive, where I built on the PPV and bundling parts of the Optus business.

From 1999 to 2001 I worked for dot-commers such as PSINet Australia in both marketing and technical roles, eventually building my skills to develop two of the most popular websites / portals of their kind in the world; Australian Sports Entertainment aka and Media Man Australia aka

In January 2002, the media and publicity company business I had developed from the ground up,, was fully launched, which included airtime on Radio 2UE, 3AW and ABC Radio National. We also attracted positive mention on New York's Media Channel, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Boston Phoenix and Channel 31 Sydney, where I was a TV presenter, journalist and publicist.

2003 saw me further develop our publicity, personality and promotional sides of business, where I now enjoy being the agent, publicist and promoter of some of Australia's, and indeed the world's, greatest business entitles and personalities. These include, but by no means are limited to:

The Glamour Job

Australian Stunt Academy

John Seru "Vulcan"

Filmfestivals Entertainment Group - film marketing agent for Australia

Coherent Productions - producer, 'The Rules' and "Volunteer"

Keith "Bendigo" Sloan - PR for world class professional Poker player and commentator

'Secrets, Lies & Chat' - promotion and I.T for author, Vena McGrath

Xtreme Productions - online exposure and promotion for the full contact martial art

FBi Radio - promote station via interview with GM, article and talent (merelyplayers)

Abner Zurd - SMD Productions - interview and promotion during and after California Recall

2004 saw us diversify into real estate interests, with promotion and publicity for:

Aquiplan, including the Ivana Great Barrier Reef (Airlie Beach, Queensland)

Reality International (Bulahdelah office)

The original Paradise Music Studios

Articles published and placed in print include:

- 'Beautiful Bulahadelah' - Great Lakes Advocate - 4th July 2004
- 'Crocodile hunters fight' - The Bulletin - 22nd September 2004
- 'Police step in as Crocodile Hunter fight turns snappy' - The Courier Mail - September 2004
- 'Jump On Board' - front-page of Southern Courier - 29th October 2002
- 'Channel 31 - More than just Joy's World' - The South Sydney Herald - April 2004
- 'The Net Ruined Our Lives' - SMH - Vena McGrath book - 'Secrets, Lies & Chat' - April 24/25
- 'Laws Sees Kinder Side Of Telstra' - The Australian - "caller Greg"
- 'From Cradle To Grave' - Wentworth Courier - March 15th 2004

Articles published and placed in new media include:

- 'Ratings Stunt Or Fair Comment' - Crikey Media - 22nd September 2003
- 'The Great Aussie Promoters' - MMA - February 2004 (endorsed by Jacobsen, Markson)
- Sydney-siders Head North' - MMA - April 2004 (endorsed by La Mercia Developments)
- 'Time Spent With A Loveable Rougue' - - 9th May 2003
- Book Review - 'That's Life', Derryn Hinch, on Derryn Hinch official website
- 'Mr PR - Max Markson' - - March 2004 (endorsed by Max Markson)
- 'The Man They Call Harry M' - MMA (endorsed by Harry M. Miller)
- Tony Rafty: Caricaturist and Australian National Treasure' - Australia's Cultural & Recreation Portal

TV, Film and Radio appearances and credits include:

- Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 720 Perth - Reality TV debate
- Radio 2UE - 3 x John Laws programme, 2 x Mike Carlton, 1 x Larry Emdur
- Radio 2GB - 1 x Alan Jones for Community Initiatives Group, 1 x Brian Wilshire (media)
- Radio 3AK - Talking Television with Greg Tingle (with Sam Kekovich and Greg Evans)
- Channel 31 Community TV - Joy's World
- 'Son Of Mask', dancer, FOX Studios - March 2004
- 'The Rules' (Coherent Productions), producer
- 'White Collar Blue' - cemetery scene

Interviews - freelance include:

- Doug Mulray, Broadcaster at The Basement
- Phillip Adams, Broadcaster & Journalist- The Australian and the ABC
- Danny Schechter "The Media Dissector", Director, Media Channel, New York
- Johnny Valiant, Actor and Comedian, The Sopranos
- Max Markson, Director, Markson Sparks!
- Derryn Hinch "The Human Headline"
- Jon Cohen, Director, Coherent Productions
- Dan Severn, multi-time UFC champion
- Steve "Crusher" Rackman, actor and living legend of professional wrestling
- Ric Drasin - "Demi Hulk" in the original "Incredible Hulk" TV series and TV producer
- Robbie Swan, Media Director, EROS Association
- Bessie Bardot, Broadcaster, model and publicist

Public Speaking engagements include:

- The Australian Media Forum # 2 - questions to Kim Williams, FOXTEL CEO
- The Communications Law Centre - media
- Media Central - Defamation: Who Needs Protection?
- The Annual Maroubra Fun Run - M.C
- Maroubra Precinct Committee - Maroubra Bay Hotel
- Essan Laurent Industry Nights

- Australian Army Reserve - "Most Improved Recruit" - 1989 - 1991
- Multi time "Salesperson of the Month" - Telstra and Optus
- Secured government grant via NEIS programme
- Website design (Macromedia), development and broadcasting skills
- Certificate III in News Media & Journalism
- Technical skills - video camera, editing, project management

Should my services be of any advantage to you, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best Regards

Greg Tingle


National Press Club
Media, Arts & Entertainment Alliance
NSW Writers' Centre
Maroubra Chamber of Commerce
Media Channel
Friends of the ABC

Immediate References

Available upon request

*full CV available upon request


Bio of Greg Tingle

CV - Version 1
